Saturday, August 4, 2007


"Someone took my olives, they were here."

Scanned paper collage then Photoshop filters.


Anonymous said...

It wasn't me hehhheeeee. Serves him right being in the window of a time warp!

merlinprincesse said...

Well.... I LOVE olives... :) *burps*

Mauricio said...


Mick said...

Time warp or not, the muntins are all wrong. You may expect the code inspectors to stop 'round come Tuesday!

captain modroom9 said...

Anon.. he should keep an eye on his olives instead of looking out the window!

MerlinPrincesse.. it was YOU!

Mauricio.. THANKS!

Mick.. oh no!

carla said...

1. Knock knock.

2. Who's there?

1. Olive.

2. Olive Who?

1. Olive you.

Clearly it was a set-up to get his attention.

captain modroom9 said...

Olive to you too Carla!

vfm4 said...

sorry, couldn't helpt it, they begged me to take them.... how could i refuse.... ;-)

captain modroom9 said...

Careful, Burt might pick up your mind thoughts!