Saturday, August 18, 2007


Scanned paper collage then Photoshop filters.


Anonymous said...

I think we might be floating in a cup at a Japanese tea ceremony now! That Captain steers in circles!

Mick said...

Going in circles? Anonymous would know ... but, I vote for sake! :D

captain modroom9 said...

Anon.. he's steering a circular ceremony sampling the seven seas!

Mick.. I vote for Fred every time!

HARDWAX said...

Beautiful and alive, but trapped? Maybe something in the little black cup might help.

captain modroom9 said...

The verticals might look like bars but they're more partitions I think :)

Anonymous said...

osake, anyone?

i can't resist red and black...but even if this had been done in blues...the composition is right ON, perfect.

captain modroom9 said...

Yes please.

Blushing red I am!

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

OH! This is great.

captain modroom9 said...

OH! Thank you.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

OH! You are most welcome.

captain modroom9 said...

Charmed I'm sure.