Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Scanned paper collage then Photoshop filters.


Anonymous said...

Not too far to travel but don't like the thought of tearing into separated cells like those two!

captain modroom9 said...

That's what hapens when you become a lava lamp with a washing line in it.

Anonymous said...

Oh. How do you get yourself back together again and back?

Mick said...

It's nice that you two traveled a bit to appear on "Cooking With the Bloggers". This must be the episode where we learn what to do with all those spuds? Careful, Modroom, anonymous is ominously peeking over your shoulder - trying to re-purpose your potato pancake recipe I bet!

Anonymous said...

French fries!

captain modroom9 said...

Anon.. I've no idea, I think there's a manual somewhere.

Mick.. my potato pancake recipe is kept locked secretly away from peeking Aussies!

Anon.. indeed!

Anonymous said...

Well said.