Saturday, August 18, 2007


Scanned paper collage then Photoshop filters.


Julie Prichard said...


Anonymous said...

With a Hat like that he would be harder to move than a Pasha Bulker! HEEHEE! Ducks doodled onit. Good balance on the water but think I'm drowning because there are lots of bubbles about :)

Vhrsti said...

Wonderful collage! Love the vivid colors!

Mick said...

Duck doodle on Barry Gibbs' hat? It sure must be a hazard going outside down under!

captain modroom9 said...

Julie.. thank you!

Anon.. it's a hat full of something big, hold on to a duck and don't drown!

vhrsti.. thnks, I can't help saturating the colours sometimes!

Mick.. you're saying the hat's peppered with pooh!

Anonymous said...

Mick is saying that Modroom! He also wears hats as underpants! *bobbing with a ducky*

Artists With Artitude said...

Hi! I came by to visit (via Perriette's blog) and I absolutely love your art creations. Fabulous work! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I think Neda is Perriette in DISGUISE!

captain modroom9 said...

Neda.. thanks for investigating my efforts!

Anon.. ooh.

gaby braun said...

Fab work! Congratulations!

HARDWAX said...

I like this captain. A hunch, but I think a voyage with him would spoil me for anything as mundane as a mere sea cruise.

Dazzleing and totally unique as always, wow!

captain modroom9 said...

Gaby.. thanks!

hardwax.. I'd like to be on board this captain's ship too hee hee.

Andrew Thornton said...

Very fun and funky! This captain certainly looks like he's going on a trip.

Reminds me a lot of some old record album covers. (In a good way!)

Nicely done.

captain modroom9 said...

Thanks for your thoughts, and pleased it reminds you of old album covers!