Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Digital collage and Photoshop filters.


Anonymous said...

No wonder he's covered the four poster bed with a blanket, it isn't a sensible spot to have it on a pathway. Those fish are sensible though. Your blanket is a dream!

Anonymous said...

Trippy surrealism... and I love the oranges and the blue sky blanket. Very cool!

merlinprincesse said...

I think the real title is: "Marty and the fluffy-cat-trying-to-catch-a-fish in front of the Parallel-World-Dive-Into-It" blanket".
Am I good or not...? Err.. Maybe not.

captain modroom9 said...

Anon.. you'll never believe what the mattress looks like!

Carla.. glad you surreally enjoyed it!

MerlinPrincesse.. that'll do me!

Anonymous said...

The cat wins it for me.

Also, it looks as if Marty's waiting for someone...Who might that be?!?!?

Excellent work. :)