Friday, November 2, 2007


Digital collage.


Anonymous said...

WHAAAA! An interesting combination of hats Modroom! The are 'special' hats being sucked into a vacuum?


captain modroom9 said...

The hats are as black as a black hole, so yes maybe they are being sucked into a vacuum!

Willie Baronet said...

Why didn't you remind me to drop some acid before I looked at this?? ;-)

Anonymous said...

OH NO! My spelling hat sucked too ...

captain modroom9 said...

rrramone.. why did'nt you remind me to remind you to drop some acid!?? :)

Anon.. they spelling you dod was a but was'nt it hee hee.

Teri said...

Wow, great design!! My eyes hurt :)

captain modroom9 said...

Thanks. I know what you mean, I did'nt want to work on this one for too long.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

Your hats trancend logical spacetime. Napolean would be proud.

studio lolo said...

napolean is tripping on this right about now :D

valerie walsh said...

what a visual treat! it twirls my world!

captain modroom9 said...

Perriette.. so does your tea cup. Napoleon says he's okay about it.

Studio Lolo.. he used to have trips all over Europe and other places too!

Valgalart.. it nearly made me disappear working on it.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

Yes, my teacup comes in very handy for many things. I don't care if Napoleon is okay with it or not - he is not the Emperor of me! Pfft!

captain modroom9 said...

I don't think he wants to be!