Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blog Action Day

This post is part of the 'Unite' project dedicated to environmental awareness. Song 'Meeting Dawn' by The Sergey Markov Project.


Anonymous said...

Stunning imagery Modroom! Along with the tune, I feel like I've been taken back to ancient roots of working with the envirnoment and not against it :)


Anonymous said...

ENVIRONMENT! Hhahhaaa, no one could spell back then ;)

Blog Action Day is exciting!!

Angel said...

I love it!!! What a nice music also. Wonderful, speaking images.

merlinprincesse said...

This is a magnifiscent little movie! Love and recognize many of your images! :) And the music is really intense. UNITE! :)

Anonymous said...

Very snazzy and jazzy.

captain modroom9 said...

Anon.. roots are a long forgotten thing for too many!

Angel.. thanks glad you enjoyed my mish-mash!

MerlinPrincesse.. the music certainly helps!

Detlef.. as a technophobe I'm amazed I managed anything!

Anne said...

Great movie! I really enjoyed it!

carla said...

Very beautiful and moving! The music goes so well with your images.