Friday, September 7, 2007


Scanned paper collage then Photoshop filters.


Anonymous said...

Something is wrong with my eyesight! Everything is moving to fast ... all fuzzy!!!

captain modroom9 said...

The momentum has got you, look out!

countrygarden said...

wow, feels like a carnival ride. neat!

captain modroom9 said...

Don't be sick!!

Mick said...

I'll be darned! Isn't that the lovely, blue, cut glass necklace I gave to anonymous at Christmas last year? She's dropped it, broken it and palmed it off on you!

captain modroom9 said...

I'm broken goods anyway!

carla said...

Very cool! I love the black and white patterns - kind og op art, zebra-ish - with the touch of blue.

captain modroom9 said...

Yes a touch of far-out fab is always cool!!

Twisselman said...

An Alice in Wonderland kind of moment... or was it that pill I found on the table?

captain modroom9 said...

...or that bottle that said 'Drink Me'!!

merlinprincesse said...

Zetti Zebra...

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

This one propels me.

captain modroom9 said...

MerlinPrincesse.. in a washing machine!

Periette.. *zoooom*